
  I know not where my road will end. But so long as breath is within my body I'll make sure I go out on my own terms! 


Hazel/Quattro | 23 | He/Him | GMT

 Decree 001. 

RP Partners I'd request be 20+, for safe-keeping and personal preference. I'm good with RP both across Discord and In-Game so we can decide that at your leisure as I'm fluid either way. I should say it's easier for me to focus In-game so if you'd like complete attention by all means request as such.

 Decree 002. 

Any actions or things spoken about IC DON'T REFLECT OOC. I will always play my character with as much truth to how I envision him and it's likely some actions and words will offend or harm, but in no way is that indicative of myself. Moreover, while I'm always happy making bonding, it's best to keep a healthy separation between IC and OOC until a solid friendship forms in it's own right.

 Degree 003. 

As a note, I'm an EU Player on NA servers so naturally I can be a little scatterbrained when timekeeping, if I forget things or don't post as frequently I'm likely in a rut or tired, so don't take that as aversion to anyone as a player.

 Decree 004. 

I enjoy and am partial to Physical Violence, Body & Mental Horror, Imprisonment, Experimentation, Blood, Gore & Injury Detail (Up to a certain degree), Sex, Narcotics, Torture and other darker themes. I won't broker into these themes without consent from a partner and will often leave it up to you to broach the idea.

 Decree 005. 

I like for the actions taken in RP to have consequences in the long term, I'm not opposed to things like permanent injury, maiming, pregnancy or even dismemberment or loss of bodily functions. Should it create real weight in a narrative, or act as a natural consequence I'm content for nature to run it's course. I WON'T force this expectation on others but I make it aware to those who want to interact with me. | I won't allow for character death however

 Decree 006. 

As a roleplayer I am very aware that there is a dislike that comes with excessive power, however, while my OC has great potential power none of that is needed to create an engaging story for all parties. I enjoy grit, struggle and strife alongside real combat, so for those who feel discontent please don't worry.

 Decree 007. 

_While I certainly enjoy my darker themes I enjoy Slice of Life, Romance, Adventuring and the lighter side of life too! So by all means you don't need to play into darker topics if it's not your speed. _


I can't promise I'll be an amazing partner to RP with I'll certainly try my best. Bear with me and I hope we can make a satisfying story between us.


Discord - Hintofnight
Ingame - Mateus or Balmung
Ingame Name - Raenn Lylani

Flippant, Dismissive, Devil-May-Care Hazel is the kind to keep a measured distance from people he engages with, while dancing the line between flirtation and aloofness. Unwilling to foster meaningful connections he projects a simulacrum of himself punching away emotional advances beneath verbal deflections or heavy self-depreciation in an attempt to unnerve and force people away.However beneath this mask meant to survive in normalcy Hazel fits the motif of a detatched wallflower, unwilling to engage in conversation and discouraging approach beneath withering stares. Circumstances in his life have left him paranoid, bitter and untrusting which he'd unwillingly throw at those who try to get close. He's a flawed pitiful creature but burning with a desire to atone for past mistakes and live.

 character name 

❝ Ah! Oh- Hah, I wasn't expecting someone to be out here, don't...tell about this would you❞

  •  name   Hazel

  •  alias   Raenn Rehw-Setlas (Warding Name), Raenn lylani, Raenn aan Cicero (Dead garlean name), telum

  •  age   20

  •  pronouns   He/They

  •  species   Rava Viera

  •  nameday   10th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon

  •  sexuality   Pansexual - feminine lean

  •  gender   True Hermaphordite

  •  Birthplace   Golmore forest

  •  location   The Black Shroud

  •  class(es)   Einharjar (Dragoon), Pugulist, Viper | Blacksmith & Miner

  •  Aether   ???

  •  height   Five Fulms, Eleven Ilms

  •  weight   115 ponze.

  •  languages   Regional vieran, general vieran, garlean, common, wilder (unique tongue), High Ivalician,

  •  status   Quite single

  •  scent   Cinnamon, Strawberry and Cream

  •  build   Lithe with pear bottom-heavy body shape

  •  scars   plentiful across his body, hidden beneath a glamour

  •  voice   Heavily accented Golmoran accent that's often suppressed to acclimate to Eorzean speech patterns, rather light and soft-spoken but can easily lower in octave to a rough drawl

  •  body traits   Fullbody freckles with the most on his back and face

  •  Strength   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  Vitality   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  agility   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  Intellect   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  Charisma   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  Reason   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  Willpower   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤


  •  Fighting 

  •  Singing 

  •  tracking 

  •  getting under skin 

  •  Fishing 

  •  sharp perception 



  •  Drug Dependancy 

  •  Lingering injuries 

  •  figures of authority 

  •  large volumes of aether 

  •  Honesty 

  •  Military Conditioning 

  •  Sincerity 


  •  Deeply vengeful 

  •  Self-Destructive 

  •  Misunderstanding Intentions 

  •  Reckless Warrior 

  •  Self-Sacrificing 

  •  Occasional Impatience 



To Be Written

 Warders Pride 

Blessed with a natural affinity for combat Hazel developed a deadly affinity for spears, absorbing his training as a Wood-Warder in his youth he developed his own form of spearmanship in his later years that mirrors much of the deadly prowess witnessed by Ishgardian Dragoons. Dubbing this style of combat Einharjar when truly walking into battle he's a relentless force.

 Garlean Pit Viper 

During his time in the Garlean Miltary, he was instructed in their single-sword combat which he proved to be quite proficient in. With the aid of a Lalafellian bladesman, he took this further combining the Garlean style with the deadly dual-bladed form of the viper. Granting him a light, loose style that mirrors his motions with a spear

 Claw and Fang 

Not every battle will be settled with a weapon something he came to realise after deserting the Garlean Empire and coming into contact with the Wilders. Taught to leverage the honed skill he possessed as a warrior alongside the animalistic instinct that came with being a Viera he came to learn how to effectively battle with both his hands and feet.

 Umbral Aether 

Aether granted to Hazel by his unwilling binding to the void-sent latched onto him, however, it's power is wildly untrained on account of never being formally trained in the ways of a Reaper. By sheer force of will and the unique composition of body and soul, Hazel has this power at his beck however he'd scarcely entertain using that messy power fearful of what it may bring.

 Aether Abundance 

While the reasons behind it has yet to be discovered Hazel was blessed with an overabundance of Internal Aether. While rudimentary in control and unable to be directed toward genuine magecraft on his own, Hazel can augment his might profoundly enabling his feats of strength to defy the bounds of normal convention. As a point of notice unless Frenzy or Abundance is in play any combat roll Hazel attempts suffer a -150 if being applied

 Mist Frenzy 

With his body modified to increase his sensitivity when exposed to large or concentrated doses of Ambient Aether, Hazel's vieran blood runs wild. Forcing his handicapped body to fight at its full potential at the cost of dwindling rational. Whether as an intentional last resort or unintended risk Hazel reverts to the strength that earned his reputation. - As a point of notice unless Frenzy or Abundance is in play any combat roll Hazel attempts suffer a -150 if being applied


This page of power has yet to be written, merely a possibility in the greater flow


This page of power has yet to be written, merely a possibility in the greater flow

 Rosa Nightshade 

Blossomed Intimacy

Having become pillars of support for each other at some of their lowest points Hazel's connection to Rosa has become something far more intimate than he'd ever expected and with it has come something that could only be described as love or at least something incredibly close to it, not that Hazel well understands that. While it is true for all those who matter to him Hazel would do whatever he can for the Elezen

 K'hasumi Masaru 

Strained Affection

Where Hazel initially found a strong polarity to the Miqo'te that may well have slowly bloomed into a relationship. To stop her from learning more of his past and sparing her the effort of supporting him, he left a wound in their relationship that only festers with time. While it hurts, if it means keeping her away from his messes it's well worth it.


Enamored Mentor

An unrepentant crush that Hazel refuses to admit to. Bearry is one of Hazel's current superiors and that alone would normally render him a subject of fear to the Viera. And yet the pair generate a chemistry between each other, that has since found them becoming targets of mutual flirtation and easy conversation, while he worries how long it'll last Bearry has quickly become a strong source of guidance.

 Tari Lycrosis 

Measured Distance

Meeting each other by circumstance Hazel and Tari's relationship is a measured one, they haven't established their own rhythm and primarily remain at at a cordial distance. However, the small talks they have had, have made Hazel wary of the older Viera, aware at the very least of her service in the Bozjan War against Garlamald, he's expressly careful not to mention his past in her earshot, instinctively aware of the potential danger she possesses

 Bella Hargrove 

Warmth and Friendship

Hazel's meeting with Bella was by chance but their friendship ignited like wildfire. They share an ease and rhythm that makes conversation easy often trading teasing jabs or flirtatious passes that have left Hazel happy to call her his friend, a word he's using more often as of late.

 To be Found 

relationship type

to be written

 To be Found 

relationship type

To be Written

 To be Found 

relationship type

To be Written

 verse 1 

Still a Warder - While he's spent years being drilled to serve in the IV'th Legion, once a Warder always a Warder. Much of his foundations are built on those old principles.

 verse 2 

Aetheric Anomaly - To those sensitive to Aether it's plain to the senses that the Viera feels 'wrong' it feels as if numerous entities vie for dominion in constant struggle, a battle that takes its toll on the youth..

 verse 3 

Shadows of the IV'th Legion - Hazel is a surviving member of the IV'th Imperial Legion having gained quite the acclaim as the captain of the 'Nox Lepus' Any other remnants of the IV'th Legion may find a kindred spirit or an embittered renegade.

 verse 4 

Hunter now the Hunted - Branded as a traitor to his kin and wanted for his crimes against Dalmasca, Bozja and Nagxia those who hunt the remnants of the IV'th legion or those who might have crossed paths with his spear may yet wish to exact justice against a Garlean Dog..

 verse 5 

Blood on the Sand - No matter how he might try, Hazel cannot escape the way he's been conditioned, always yearning for the fight, itching to spill blood. He's gained a reputation in underground circles and is always willing to throw down no matter how grievous he might be hurt..

 verse 6 

Heat of the Forge - While it was a skill born out of military necessity Hazel has become accustomed to the roar of flame, and the clutch of sweat against his brow when toiling away at steel, finding comfort in the art of forging where he does not fight or beguile he'll swing a hammer to his own pace..

 verse 7 

Wicked and Weary - Beneath a Devil May Care attitude to those who spy on Hazel in moments of solitude, glimpses of vulnerability become plain to see. Tremoring hands, staggered gait, and a slight sheen of sweat against burning skin all kept from public eye. A chance to strike, or a chance to learn?.

 verse 8 

Step into the Lantern - Hazel works as a companion of [The Red Lantern] (https://rls-info.carrd.co/) Bordello, should someone venture in they might find themselves in his company if they so desire it, they might just meet a very different Hazel to what they were expecting